The miraculous transformation of some of our dogs

Whether rescued from the street or from the illegal dog meat trade, some of our dogs have developed in a wonderful way. Whether having physical or psychological damage – they are our little big warriors and heros. They have been returned to this life through their strong wish to live and sometimes very long and intensive nursing care. A life that in some cases can only now be called such.

Gradually, we will show here some ’Before – After’ pictures – pictures which speak for themselves. You will find the detailed background stories for these dogs on Facebook. Simply click on the photo and you will be redirected to the appropriate Facebook post.  All before – after stories and pictures can be found in the Facebook photo album ’Before – After’.

To enable us to continue caring for dogs like these and many others in need, we need sufficient financial means. Sponsorships and donations are the only means at our disposal. There is no state support in Thailand for animals in need. We have loyal sponsors and supporters who have been helping us for years but we need a wider circle of donors, supporters, sponsors. Here we would like to address those who still do not know us and who are unsure if this project deserves their support. We can assure you: every cent is used for the care of the animals. We have dedicated our lives to the animals, are there for them 24/7, but we can only achieve as much as means at our disposal allow.

We need YOU to enable dogs like these to become and remain healthy and happy. Thank you.

Would you like to help us? Here you find more information on sponsorships and donations.


Gii mit dem Sticker Sarkom - Gii suffering from facial TVT tumor
Gii voher / Gii before
Gii nach der Chemotherapy - Gii after his chemotherapy
Gii nachher / Gii after
Layla auf dem Transporter - Layla on the DMT truck
Layla vorher - Layla before
Layla in ihrem zuhause in den USA - Layla at her home in US
Layla nachher - Layla after
Blondie nach ihrer Rettung - Blondie after her rescue
Blondie vorher - Blondie before
Blondie heute - ein fröhliches Mädchen - Blondie today a happy girl
Blondie nachher - Blondie after
Lipa in ihrem Versteck am Strand - Lipa hiding at the beach
Lipa vorher - Lipa before
Lipa heute - ein hübsches fröhliches Mädchen Lipa today - a beautiful and joyful girl
Lipa nachher - Lipa after
Lipa im Massenauffanglager - Lipa at the mass shelter
Footie vorher - Footie before
Footie in ihrem zuhause in München - Footie Footie at her home in Munic
Footie nachher - Footie after